in business
We are working on some of the largest Residential projects in Ireland, with an enviable track record of delivering top quality homes.
OBR play a significant role in solving the housing shortage by using innovative solutions and fast track off site construction.
We build OBR Homes to the highest standards of insulation and airtightness combined with mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems to recycle heat from appliances keeping it within the home. This reduces heating needs massively thus reducing the carbon footprint.
View our works: Westview, Ballincollig

"OBR have executed projects for Sisk since 2000 and i have had personal experience on a number of projects dating back to that time."
Tom Wall, Construction Director, john Sisk & Son Ltd
21st March, 2014
John Sisk and Son Ltd, Runcorn Thermal Power Station
OBR have been working on the Runcorn Thermal Power Station as direct Reinforced Concrete works subcontractor to John Sisk & Son Ltd since August 2010. The contract value for OBR was in the order of £10 million over two phases, on which OBR provided the concrete and plant for their works. Phase 1 which is approximately £7.5m is substantially complete and Phase 2 is currently 50% complete and will be completed later this year. The scope of works included complex substructure and superstructure elements including the Waste Bunker which is approximately 80m long, 20m wide and with certain walls approaching 50m in height. The execution of works involved significant temporary works design which OBR managed diligently. To date OBR have delivered on Safety, Quality and Schedule on what we would regard as a very challenging project from a technical nature. The personal commitment of their Senior Management was a significant factor in their overall success. One significant factor in selecting OBR for a major scheme like Runcorn TPS was their capacity to deliver. OBR have executed projects for Sisk since 2000 and I have had personal experience on a number of projects dating back to that time. I would consider OBR for any Reinforced Concrete Works in the future and I would have no hesitation in recommending them.